AI-powered price predictions for gold, crypto, forex, stocks, and more.

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Snapshot 2024-April-6th

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About Us

Hi, I'm Malcolm. I grew up fascinated by computers and their ability to automate complex tasks. When I started my university studies 15 years ago, I had a clear goal in mind: I want to build a software that can predict the stock market. This resulted in me studying advanced software engineering, artificial intelligence, financial markets, and more. I finished with two Master degrees; one in computer science and one in business management.

The AI to predict stock prices was a side-project ever since, working evenings and weekends while employed at Accenture, PwC, and other software companies. I even worked three years in crypto, all while iterating on my side-project during my personal time.

I had a breakthrough five years ago, and started to rebuild the AI engine, focusing on cryptocurrencies. Testing performed well, and I decided to fund my own development, going full-time and giving this project complete focus.

The AI is now named after my daughter; CarinaAI. It performs well on cryptocurrencies and show promising test results on forex markets. It needs to be expanded to support traditional assets again (stocks, commodities, etc.), and that requires more funding.

Signing up for Early Access will give you direct access to hourly signals on gold and over 15 cryptocurrency signals. Your support will help speed up development, and you will be the first to receive forex and stock signals. You will also get an invitation to a private Discord channel where we as a community support each other to expand the value for early access members.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us.